Why Not An AirTag to Find your Child on the Slopes?

“Can’t I just use an AirTag for this instead?”

It’s a question we’ve heard many times.

But it’s not that simple… 

AirTags are fantastic technology… When you’re near an iPhone (any iPhone) and within range of active cell service. 

In order for AirTags to work, the device must be within Ultra Wideband range of an iPhone (with Ultra Wideband turned on). That range works out to be only about 30 feet!1,2 

This is great if you lost your keys at the house, or you’re at the mall full of people, or even if your child is at the chairlift. 

But it isn’t great if you’re 200 feet down the hill and your child took a tumble in the trees. It’s worse if you don’t know if you need to hike up through deep snow or ski down to the chairlift.

That’s why we invented skiKrumbTM  – because it allows you to easily find your loved ones when you get separated on the hill, providing peace of mind for parents and a more enjoyable day on the slopes for all. After all, you’ve paid a lot of money for a fun day and whether it’s 5 minutes or 2 hours, that’s stress you don’t need.

While AirTags can be helpful, they aren’t going to give you the precision or the range that a skiKrumbTM can. 

We’ve successfully connected to skiKrumbs from 20 km away with precise accuracy of location! 

Mountains have lots of nooks and crannies (thanks to uneven terrain) and we can cover much more than AirTags, Tiles, cellphones, other GPS trackers, and even walkie-talkies. 

Using a combination of GPS and low frequency radio waves, connected to the resort’s infrastructure, skiKrumbTM is the best option for your day of skiing or snowboarding.

Don’t see skiKrumbTM at your resort? Let us know! https://skikrumb.ca/#contact

